咸猪手 发表于 2016-9-19 11:56


转载 : 中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月16日消息,总部位于委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯的商业咨询公司Ecoanalitica表示,请忘记石油价格。如果委内瑞拉不能抑制原油产量下降,油价也不能挽救委内瑞拉。分析师们估计受2016年石油产量下降近10%的影响,委内瑞拉已经损失了14亿美元的石油收入。委内瑞拉政府已经没有足够的资金用于石油行业的投资以及支付粮食等基础品的进口费用。当前委内瑞拉的石油产量约为230万桶/天,与政府两年前设定的目标相差近80万桶/天。唐绍红摘译自道琼斯
Venezuela's Oil Crisis Is In Production, Not Price
Forget the price of oil, says Caracas business consultancy Ecoanalitica. If Venezuela can't stop crude output from declining, "there won't be a price that can save us." The analysts estimate that Venezuela has missed out on $1.4B in revenues due to a nearly 10% loss in output during 2016 as the cash-strapped government struggles to invest in the oil industry as well as pay for imports of basics like food. At around 2.3 million barrels per day, Venezuela's oil production is nearly 800,000 barrels below the production target the government set two years ago.

nightwish 发表于 2016-9-19 18:48

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