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广东省公安厅出入境管理局关于新冠肺炎疫情防控期间外国人出入境和停居留管理措施的温馨提醒Warm Suggestions by Exit-Entry Administration of Guangdong Public Security Department(GDPSD) during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus
新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发生以来,在省委、省政府的领导下,我省启动了突发公共卫生事件一级应急响应,采取了一系列的有力应对措施。为协助在粤外国人准确掌握疫情期间外国人出入境、停居留、办证等相关资讯,合理安排个人行程,广东省公安厅出入境管理局提醒广大外国朋友: Under the leadership of Guangdong Committee of Communist Party and Guangdong People's Government, all levels of authorities in Guangdong province has activated the first-level response to public health emergency and taken a series of rigorous measures since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. To provide foreigners with accurate information concerning immigration matters, and assist them in better organizing personal schedules during this period of time, Exit-Entry Administration of GDPSD kindly recommends the following practices to all foreigners residing in Guangdong province:
一、外国人仍可正常出入境,但应事先查询口岸及目的地政策。 I. Foreigners may exit from and enter to China as usual by carrying valid international travel documents.
目前,我省除部分口岸暂时关闭外,大部分口岸边检和签证机关仍正常运转,外国人过境免签政策未作调整,外国人可凭有效的出境入境证件正常出入境,但出行前建议查询具体口岸的开放情况。鉴于部分国家和地区已针对疫情实施相应的入境管制措施,如有出境需要,建议事先了解清楚目的地国家或地区对人员入境的规定和做法,避免因无法入境造成费用和时间损失。前往国家、地区允许入境的,应提前到达出境口岸,留出足够时间接受相关部门检查;已经出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等急性呼吸道感染症状的,不宜进行国际旅行,应当立即定点医院接受诊治,并如实向当地主管部门说明近期活动和密切接触人员等情况,以便有关部门迅速采取排查措施。 Though there are some border checkpoints being closed temporarily in Guangdong province, most checkpoints and port visa offices are still open during the epidemic prevention and control period. And current visa free policy for foreigners transiting in Guangdong province remains unchanged at the moment. Foreigners may exit from and enter to China as usual, but consultation about the status of specific checkpoints and port visa offices are highly recommended. Due to entry restriction adopted by some countries/regions, foreigners who need to exit from China shall learn the latest entry policy of your destination countries in advance to avoid any inconveniences and financial or time loss in case of any entry rejection. Those who travel to countries/regions without any entry restriction, are advised to arrive at the border checkpoints well ahead of departure time for necessary checks. Foreigners having fever with symptom of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, shall avoid international travels and seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest designated hospitals. Information such as recent activities and close contact persons should be provided to relevant authorities for necessary investigation and inspection.
二、公安机关出入境管理部门将继续为外国人提供证件办理服务。 II. Exit-entry administration authorities will be in full service for extension and issuance of visa and residence permits.
疫情防控期间,我省各地出入境办证大厅暂停办理部分业务,但各地公安机关出入境管理部门将继续为有需要的外国人提供签证、停留和居留证件办理服务,保障外国人合法停留居留权益。为有效避免人员聚集,各地公安机关出入境管理部门将结合当地防疫政策调整办证服务,外国人可通过提前预约方式,合理安排办证时间。广东省各地市可办理外国人签证及停居留证件的出入境办证大厅地点及联系方式详见附表。 During the period of epidemic prevention and control, exit-entry document application centers in Guangdong province may suspend for some services, but visa and residence permit application service for foreigners will continue to be in place to ensure foreigners' legitimate stay in China. To avoid congestion, exit-entry administration authorities may arrange the service in accordance with the local epidemic prevention policy. Foreigners are advised to make appointments in advance for any application. The addresses and contact details of the visa and residence permit application points in different cities could be found below.
三、对因疫情防控原因造成的逾期居留处罚,将依法视情予以减免。 III. Foreigners who overstay due to the reason epidemic prevention and control policy could be given a lighter, mitigated or remitted punishment.
我国出境入境管理法规定,外国人应在签证、停留居留证件到期前出境,需继续在华停留居留的,应当到公安机关出入境管理部门办理签证、停留居留证件延期手续。鉴于当前疫情防控工作形势,同时根据有关法律规定,对因疫情防控原因难以按时出境,无法及时办理签证、停居留证件延期手续的,各地公安机关出入境管理部门可依法依规视情从轻、减轻或免予逾期居留处罚。 According to Exit-Entry Administration Law of China, foreigners shall exit or apply for document extension before their visas or residence permits expire. In light of the relevant regulations and current situation, those who are unable to exit as scheduled or extend their visas or residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control policy could be given a lighter, mitigated or remitted punishment by exit-entry administration authorities depending upon the circumstances of individual cases.
广大外国朋友应配合当地政府部门防疫工作,避免前往疫情高发区,增强自我防护意识,尽量不要到人群密集的地方活动,注意个人卫生,勤洗手,居家勤通风,出门戴口罩,尽量避免与人面对面交流。如出现发热、咳嗽、胸闷、乏力等症状,应及时前往定点医疗机构治疗。如遇问题,可与当地政府外事办公室、公安机关或本国驻华使领馆联系求助。 Foreigners in Guangdong province are kindly encouraged to follow the epidemic prevention policy of local authorities. Please do avoid to visit epidemic outbreak areas, increase self-protection awareness, avoid to stay in crowded places, keep good hygiene by washing your hands, maintaining proper ventilation in your rooms, wear a surgical mask when going out, and try to avoid face to face contact. If you experience any severe respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, fatigue or breathing difficulty, please visit the designated hospital in a timely manner. If you need any assistance, please contact with the foreign affair offices of local governments, public security authorities, as well as the embassy or consulate of your country in China.
1. 广东省各地外国人签证证件受理点信息一览表a) Addresses and Contact Details of Visa and Residence Permit Application Points in Guangdong Province
click to enlarge
2. 广东省突发急性传染病定点救治医院b) Designated Hospitals for Emerging Infectious Diseases in Guangdong Province
3. 国家移民管理局出入境信息一键通链接(可查询各国家、地区入境临时管制措施及我国口岸通行情况)c) Exit-Entry Information Consultation Link (Which Contains the Information of Entry Policies of Different Countries/Regions and the Status of Border Checkpoints in China)